Friday, April 15, 2011


GENELL: I've always been inspired by renaissance paintings. Every time I go to a museum, I head straight towards that time period and my favorite paintings are the portraits; then I get to see a close-up of the jewelry and the clothes. I love the detail and the style. Some things are so simple whereas others are incredibly intricate. Today, I found a wonderful portrait and decided to try to recreate the necklace. The portrait is by Piero del Pollaiulo, a renaissance painter from Florence. I couldn't find out who the girl is in the painting or any other information but I enjoyed the inspiration I gathered from it and had a great time piecing together the necklace.

DEVIN: I'm always inspired by nature's beauty and the change of seasons never fails to spark my creativity. Last Friday, while walking along Germantown Avenue, I was struck by the delicate shape and color palate of a lovely flowering tree. I snapped a picture and upon returning to the shop, immediately began crafting a necklace that I feel embodies "Spring". I'm really pleased with how it turned out. It would even look beautiful on a bride! Enjoy! 

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